@KEMTopTalk guest Steve Santini Escape Artist, Collector and Author Highlight Show

kemtoptalk-logoLG600Tonight’s show was very special. Steve Santini shared with us many of the relics he has collected over time. One of the main topics of the show was definitely the witches collections and how they were tortured. Steve, who is open about his Pagan lifestyle has a sensitivity to the witches that were tortured back in the days of Salem. Feeling an honor to be the voice of those who we will never know, during the show I read him one of his answers to his interview on KinkEMagazine (http://kinkemagazine.com/issue/october-november-kink-e-magazine-special-halloween-issue-2014/article/escape-with-steve-santini) about his favorite find. After sharing with him, his own answer, I asked him if he still felt the same way about this find? Not only was the answer yes, but there was a change in his voice that made me understand that level of sensitivity when it comes to his dark collection.

steve santini master of escapeMany topics were discussed on this show. Definitely one of the best next to the best of the past few weeks. KEMTopTalk is definitely back and here to stay!

Honorable mentions for the show and promotions via @EventsByMBlue http://www.eventsbymblue.com

@Planet12Law @dannyblaqvideos @sybianmaker

Follow me @Marabelleblue @KEMTopTalk @KinkEMagazine and @DivineSinsation

Interested in having your name mentioned on the show, contact marabelleblue@kinkemagazine.com for our sales kit. There is sponsorship still avialalbe for our Vegas event you don’t want to miss out on that!

See you next week when @VenusLux joins us on the radio airwaves! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kinkemagazine/2015/04/15/kemtoptalk-guest-venuslux-ts-pornstarproducerdirector